vermicelli bites

Vermicelli Bites

vermicelli bites
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A Quick and excellent dessert that will be loved by kids and adults alike. This is one sweet that will finish in no time. I have made this many times because I just love it!

This is great for parties or on the festival table. They are crunchy, sweet, look good as well!

Vermicelli Bites

Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time2 minutes
Total Time12 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Arabian
Servings: 20


  • 50 g butter/ghee
  • 200 g vermicelli roasted and crushed
  • 200 g condensed milk
  • nuts powdered (almond, cashew, pistachio)


  • Melt the butter/ghee and roast the vermicelli until it turns golden brown.
  • Add the powdered nuts, condensed milk, and mix well for about 2 minutes.
    Cool it for five minutes
  • Take a small portion of the mix and make it in the desired shape.
  • Lovely innovative Vermicelli Bites is ready to serve!

I’m sure you and your loved ones will love this treat!



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